Figure 7. Overexpression of Fzo1.
(A) Total protein extracts of fzo1Δ cells transformed with an empty vector (fzo1Δ), pRS314-FZO1 (WT) or pRS414-TEF-FZO1 (FZO1 o.e.) were analyzed by anti-Fzo1 and anti-Pgk1 immunoblotting. Fzo1 is overexpressed about 50 fold in FZO1 o.e. as compared to WT conditions. (B) Serial dilutions of cells from A grown in the presence of glucose or glycerol as the sole carbon source at 30°C. Lack or overexpression of Fzo1 both abolishes respiration and, therefore, growth on glycerol, consistent with inhibition of mitochondrial fusion. (C) Mitochondrial morphology in WT and FZO1 o.e. cells. Left: Representative morphologies. Right: Percentage of WT and FZO1 o.e. cells with indicated mitochondrial morphologies. Error bars represent the s.d. from three independent experiments. (D) Left: TEM analysis of in vitro outer membrane fusion reactions performed with mitochondria isolated from wild-type cells or cells overexpressing Fzo1. Note that mitochondria from Fzo1 o.e. cells are smaller than from wild-type cells. Right: Effect of Fzo1 overexpression on outer membrane fusion and attachment in vitro. (E) Slices through tomographic volume of mitochondrial attached intermediates upon Fzo1 overexpression (abortive, 74%, see Table 1); outer membrane distance (blue bracket) and densities between outer membranes (red arrows) are indicated. (F) 3D rendering of two closely apposed mitochondria shown in E.