Meinertz, 1942 |
Sciuris vul. |
Os maxillare, rostral edge of the Foramen infraorbitale
The skin at the tip of the nose |
Priddy & Brodie, 1948 |
Hamster |
Dorsal to infraorbital foramen |
Dorsal to the nostril |
Rinker, 1954 |
Cricetinae |
Medial half of the dorsal margin of the zygomatic Notch |
Lateral part at the dorsal border of rhinarium |
Klingener, 1964 |
Rodents |
Aponeurosis from the outer surface of outer rim of the infraorbital foramen |
Dorsal part of the nasal cartilage |
Herring, 1972 |
Suoidea |
Facial crest of the maxilla |
Subcutaneous tissue on the side of the rhinarium |
Ryan, 1989 |
Rodentia |
Dorsal surface of the zygomatic plate anterior to the eye |
The dorsolateral portion of nasal cartilage |
Whidden, 2002 |
Insectivora |
Anterior surface of the antorbital ridge and fossa that lies anterior to the orbit |
Aponeurosis over the cartilaginous rings of the snout tip |