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. 2016 May 28;4:134–141. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.05.003

Table 2.

Distribution of population characteristics by early psychoactive drug usea among Add Health participants, baseline in 1994, follow-up in 1996–2008.

Drug use at respective wave of data collection

Wave 2
Wave 3
Wave 4
Illegal drugsb
Illegal drugsb
Illegal drugsb
Mean %†† Mean %†† Mean%†† Mean %†† Mean %†† Mean %†† Mean %†† Mean %†† Mean %††
 Mean age, years 16.6c 30.25 16.7c 6.2 16.9c 1.9 22.0c 66.9 21.8c 54.0 22.0c 52.0 28.6c 47.9 28.6c 18.1 28.6c 18.8
Age of baseline drug use
 Tobacco (n = 2887; %††)
 Wave 1 non-users 14.1 (408) 8.3 (55) 12.9 (19) 17.9 (338) 23.9 (72) 12.8 (39) 18.7 (253) 15.3 (195) 14.0 (187)
 ≤ 10 18.2 (411) 18.9 (93) 10.7 (21) 16.1 (271) 9.5 (67) 22.5 (56) 18.8 (261) 17.2 (234) 17.3 (237)
 11–15 59.2 (1792) 66.0 (440) 71.8 (151) 67.6 (1232) 54.0 (264) 60.2 (275) 57.1 (935) 63.5 (972) 64.4 (988)
 16–18 9.8 (96) 6.7 (34) 3.9 (5) 7.2 (146) 3.6 (31) 4.5 (26) 5.3 (123) 3.8 (89) 4.3 (92)
 Alcohol (n = 2129; %††)
 ≤ 10 13.3 (273) 13.2 (69) 15.1 (34) 11.8 (160) 5.1 (34) 10.9 (47) 10.9 (115) 10.8 (115) 11.6 (122)
 11–15 78.0 (1628) 80.4 (395) 83.0 (126) 81.6 (1049) 89.7 (241) 81.0 (224) 81.0 (814) 84.5 (858) 82.9 (840)
 16–19 8.7 (228) 6.4 (38) 1.9 (3) 6.5 (110) 5.3 (34) 8.1 (25) 11.0 (115) 4.7 (80) 5.5 (82)
 Marijuana (n = 3330;%††)
 Wave 1 Non-users 30.5 (834) 23.5 (112) 13.0 (24) 43.8 (818) 42.5 (163) 34.1 (127) 37.7 (608) 38.7 (558) 37.3 (525)
 ≤ 10 3.4 (108) 3.5 (38) 8.5 (22) 3.2 (78) 3.1 (27) 2.5 (27) 3.2 (52) 3.4 (49) 3.7 (49)
 11–15 53.8 (1534) 62.5 (413) 63.5 (130) 44.8 (893) 51.1 (209) 55.3 (197) 47.6 (714) 47.4 (717) 47.8 (757)
 16–18 12.3 (396) 10.5 (59) 15.0 (17) 8.2 (196) 3.3 (34) 8.1 (44) 11.4 (195) 10.5 (161) 11.2 (169)
 Any illegal drugs (3326; %††)
 Non-users 79.6 (2632) 53.8 (323) 58.8 (106) 83.9 (2079) 86.0 (435) 79.5 (346) 86.4 (1710) 77.2 (1364) 80.8 (1388)
 ≤ 15 15.8 (523) 32.8 (263) 34.1 (80) 12.7 (313) 11.8 (101) 17.8 (99) 11.0 (219) 17.8 (347) 14.4 (311)
 16–18 4.6 (51) 13.4 (98) 7.1 (19) 3.4 (108) 2.2 (16) 2.7 (15) 2.6 (67) 5.0 (105) 4.8 (98)
Age of cocaine use (n = 3330; %††)
 Wave 1 Non-users 91.7 (2985) 80.0 (513) 72.6 (124) 92.0 (2290) 92.4 (487) 89.9 (400) 93.3 (1870) 89.0 (1614) 86.9 (1557)
 ≤ 15 5.9 (236) 12.3 (125) 17.1 (60) 6.3 (175) 5.9 (50) 7.7 (44) 5.0 (101) 8.2 (148) 9.1 (163)
 16–18 2.4 (109) 7.7 (45) 10.3 (23) 1.7 (48) 1.8 (15) 2.4 (17) 1.7 (33) 2.8 (52) 4.0 (72)
Sex (n = 3359; %††)
 Male 38.6 (1260) 34.6 (254) 38.6 (97) 46.7 (1106) 48.9 (261) 53.9 (235) 51.9 (1024) 48.5 (888) 50.8 (870)
 Female 61.4 (2099) 65.4 (435) 61.4 (114) 53.3 (1425) 51.1 (295) 46.1 (229) 48.1 (1004) 51.5 (947) 49.2 (939)
Race (n = 3357;%††)
 Black 17.1 (753) 1.9 (24) 2.3 (17) 19.4 (72) 8.7 (120) 5.1 (54) 20.6 (593) 5.6 (153) 4.4 (154)
 White 60.9 (1683) 82.4 (487) 68.7 (121) 64.8 (360) 72.2 (54) 77.7 (290) 62.3 (993) 77.7 (1273) 72.1 (1161)
 Hispanics 22.0 (921) 15.7 (178) 29.0 (73) 15.8 (124) 19.1 (120) 17.2 (120) 17.1 (439) 16.7 (407) 23.5 (492)
CES-D (2709; %††)
 < 24 41.6 (1126) 42.4 (233) 49.0 (72) 44.9 (1355) 47.3 (300) 43.5 (252) 41.7 (1201) 45.5 (1141) 44.3 (1094)
 ≥ 24 58.4 (1583) 57.6 (317) 51.0 (75) 55.1 (1311) 52.7 (278) 56.5 (225) 58.3 (1127) 54.5 (996) 55.7 (974)
Access to mental health (3359; %††)
 Wave 1 non-users 80.0 (2722) 74.4 (532) 65.4 (136) 83.0 (2096) 83.1 (445) 83.0 (380) 83.8 (1707) 79.3 (1447) 81.3 (1436)
 Users 20.0 (637) 25.6 (157) 34.6 (75) 17.0 (435) 16.9 (111) 17.0 (84) 16.2 (321) 20.7 (388) 18.7 (371)

Add Health = National Longitudinal of Adolescent to Adult Health; CES-D = The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale.

n = Sample distribution of main variables and other covariates. Figure in parentheses refers to unweighted distribution and %†† describes weighted per cent distribution.

Significant differences between groups at α = 0.05, tested using χ2 tests for categorical variables and analysis of variance for continuous variables.


Per cent are weighted to account for sampling weights.


Categories shown above are not mutually exclusive.


Illegal drugs include any type of illicit drug such as LSD, PCP, ecstasy, mushrooms, speed, ice, heroin or pills without a doctor's prescription.


Mean age of respective drug used across different wave of data collection.