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. 2016 Jun 15;4:184–191. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.06.011

Table 3.

Linear mixed models examining correlates of total workplace sitting time (min/8-h day).

Empty model
Block 1a
Block 2b
Block 3c
b (95% CI) b (95% CI) b (95% CI)
Intercept 378.49 (368.36, 388.63) 387.67 (357.21, 418.14) 380.76 (349.88, 411.65) 360.20 (310.30, 410.10)
Socio-demographic and health-related
 Age (years) 0.10 (− 0.51, 0.72) 0.34 (− 0.28, 0.96) 0.33 (− 0.29, 0.94)
 Male (ref: female) 7.33 (− 4.68, 19.34) 8.99 (− 3.09, 21.07) 8.06 (− 4.04, 20.15)
 Marital status p = 0.035 p = 0.055 p = 0.067
 Married/de facto Ref Ref Ref
 Separated/divorced/widowed − 16.76 (− 32.00, − 1.51)* − 15.90 (− 30.90, − 0.89)* − 15.24 (− 30.17, − 0.31)*
 Never married − 13.43 (− 28.25, 1.38) − 11.58 (− 26.18, 3.03) − 11.21 (− 25.74, 3.33)
 BMI p = 0.014 p = 0.007 p = 0.010
 Healthy (< 25 kg/m2) Ref Ref Ref
 Overweight (25 − < 30 kg/m2) − 9.44 (− 23.22, 4.35) − 11.86 (− 25.50, 1.78) − 10.86 (− 24.51, 2.79)
 Obese (≥ 30 kg/m2) − 20.54 (− 34.42, − 6.67)** − 22.06 (− 35.73, − 8.39)** − 21.05 (− 34.70, − 7.39)**
 1.0 FTE (ref: < 1.0) − 9.95 (− 23.76, 3.86) − 9.38 (− 23.20, 4.44)
 Tenure at workplace p = 0.012 p = 0.008
 < 3 years 16.72 (0.24, 33.20)* 15.45 (− 0.97, 31.88)
 3–5 years 20.31 (4.14, 36.49)* 22.59 (6.37, 38.82)**
 > 5 years Ref
 Knowledge 8.07 (− 2.55, 18.69)
 Use of self-regulation strategies − 5.76 (− 13.26, 1.75)
Random effects
 Worksite (p-value) p < 0.01 p < 0.01 p < 0.01 p < 0.01
 Variance: worksite (between worksites) 236.37 (62.36, 895.84) 288.82 (85.76, 972.69) 279.25 (81.89, 952.23) 246.73 (68.25, 891.93)
 Variance: residual (within worksite) 1696.10 (1391.67, 2067.12) 1563.13 (1282.61, 1905.01) 1489.08 (1221.54, 1815.20) 1471.79 (1207.10, 1794.51)
 ICC 0.122 (0.034, 0.355) 0.156 (0.050, 0.394) 0.158 (0.050, 0.400) 0.144 (0.042, 0.388)
 AIC 2219.56 2216.70 2212.46 2212.89
 BIC 2229.66 2247.00 2252.85 2260.01
 P vs previous block p = 0.021 p = 0.017 p = 0.168

n = 214; * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; † p represents overall significance test for variable, ‡ Worksite specified as a random effect.

Note: ICC – Intracluster correlation coefficient; AIC – Akaike's Information Criterion; BIC – Bayesian Information Criterion. Data were collected in Victoria, Australia in 2012–13.


Work smoking status, ethnicity, non-work MVPA, education eliminated.


Occupational category eliminated.


Workspace satisfaction, job control, barrier self-efficacy, desired sitting level, perceived behavioral control, perceived organisational norms, overall stress eliminated.