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. 2016 Jun 10;5(2):139–153. doi: 10.1007/s40121-016-0112-3

Table 1.

Susceptibility rates and MIC values for Enterobacteriaceae collected from CA-UTI

Country (n)/drug CLSI/EUCAST MIC50 MIC90 MIC range
% S % I % R
Argentina (101)
 Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 52.5/82.2 14.9/- 32.7/17.8 8 >32 ≤1–>32
 Ceftibuten 83.2/71.3 3.0/- 13.9/28.7 0.25 >16 ≤0.06–>16
 Cefixime 58.4/58.4 6.9/- 34.7/41.6 0.5 >8 ≤0.12–>8
 Cefpodoxime 56.4/53.5 5.0/- 38.6/46.5 1 >8 ≤0.12–>8
 Cefuroxime 43.6/50.5 13.9/- 42.6/49.5 8 >32 ≤1–>32
 Cefaclor 47.5/NA 6.9/NA 45.5/NA 16 >32 ≤0.5–>32
 Ciprofloxacin 50.5/49.5 49.5/1.0 0.0/49.5 1 >1 ≤0.002–>1
 Norfloxacin 50.5/38.6 1.98/6.9 47.5/54.5 4 >8 0.03–>8
 Fosfomycin 91.1/84.2 1.0/- 7.9/15.8 4 64 ≤0.25–>128
 Nitrofurantoin 51.5/64.4 (100)a 12.9/- 35.6/35.6 32 >128 ≤2–>128
 Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 49.5/49.5 0.0/1.0 50.5/49.5 4 >64 ≤0.5–>64
Mexico (98)
 Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 58.2/92.9 28.6/- 13.3/7.1 8 32 ≤1–>32
 Ceftibuten 77.6/66.3 6.1/- 16.3/33.7 0.25 >16 ≤0.06–>16
 Cefixime 58.2/58.2 6.1/- 35.7/41.8 0.5 >8 ≤0.12–>8
 Cefpodoxime 60.2/54.1 3.1/- 36.7/45.9 1 >8 ≤0.12–>8
 Cefuroxime 43.9/58.2 16.3/- 39.8/41.8 8 >32 ≤1–>32
 Cefaclor 45.9/NA 7.1/NA 46.9/NA 16 >32 ≤0.5–>32
 Ciprofloxacin 51.0/45.9 50.0/5.1 0.0/49.0 1 >1 0.004–>1
 Norfloxacin 48.0/37.8 6.1/4.1 45.9/58.2 8 >8 0.03–>8
 Fosfomycin 95.9/90.8 1.0/- 3.1/9.2 2 32 ≤0.25–>128
 Nitrofurantoin 65.3/80.6 (94.7)c 15.3/- 19.4/19.4 16 >128 ≤2–>128
 Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 30.6/30.6 0.0/3.1 69.4/66.3 >64 >64 ≤0.5–>64
Venezuela (95)
 Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 55.8/88.4 26.3/- 17.9/11.6 8 >32 ≤1–>32
 Ceftibuten 89.5/84.2 2.1/- 8.4/15.8 0.25 16 ≤0.06–>16
 Cefixime 74.7/74.7 8.4/- 16.8/25.3 0.5 >8 ≤0.12–>8
 Cefpodoxime 82.1/76.8 1.1/- 16.8/23.2 0.5 >8 ≤0.12–>8
 Cefuroxime 52.6/77.9 29.5/- 17.9/22.1 4 >32 ≤1–>32
 Cefaclor 64.2/NA 6.3/NA 29.5/NA 4 >32 ≤0.5–>32
 Ciprofloxacin 72.6/72.6 27.4/0.0 0.0/27.4 0.015 >1 ≤0.002–>1
 Norfloxacin 72.6/63.2 0.0/4.2 27.4/32.6 0.12 >8 ≤0.015–>8
 Fosfomycin 92.6/88.4 3.2/- 4.2/11.6 2 64 ≤0.25–>128
 Nitrofurantoin 68.4/81.1 (97.0)c 12.6/- 19.0/19.0 16 128 4–>128
 Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 57.9/57.9 0.0/1.1 42.1/41.1 ≤0.5 >64 ≤0.5–>64
Russia (160)
 Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 75.6/95.6 15.6/- 8.8/4.4 4 16 ≤1–>32
 Ceftibuten 93.1/91.3 0.6/- 6.3/8.7 0.12 1 ≤0.06–>16
 Cefixime 81.3/81.3 3.1/- 15.6/18.7 0.5 8 ≤0.12–>8
 Cefpodoxime 81.9/80.0 1.2/- 16.9/20.0 0.5 >8 ≤0.12–>8
 Cefuroxime 63.7/79.4 16.9/- 19.4/20.6 4 >32 ≤1–>32
 Cefaclor 76.2/NA 1.9/NA 21.9/NA 4 >32 ≤0.5–>32
 Ciprofloxacin 80.0/79.4 20.0/0.6 0.0/20.0 0.015 >1 0.004–>1
 Norfloxacin 81.9/76.9 0.0/2.5 18.1/20.6 0.06 >8 0.03–>8
 Fosfomycin 98.1/95.6 0.6/- 1.3/4.4 1 16 ≤0.25–>128
 Nitrofurantoin 83.8/91.9 (98.4)c 8.1/- 8.1/8.1 16 64 ≤2–>128
 Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 75.6/75.6 0.0/0.6 24.4/23.8 ≤0.5 >64 ≤0.5–>64
Philippines (113)
 Amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 54.0/84.1 16.8/- 29.2/15.9 8 >32 ≤1–>32
 Ceftibuten 75.2/71.7 7.1/- 17.7/28.3 0.12 >16 ≤0.06–>16
 Cefixime 62.8/62.8 3.5/- 33.6/37.2 0.5 >8 ≤0.12–>8
 Cefpodoxime 67.3/62.8 2.7/- 30.1/37.2 0.5 >8 ≤0.12–>8
 Cefuroxime 48.7/59.3 16.8/- 34.5/40.7 8 >32 ≤1–>32
 Cefaclor 54.0/NA 3.5/NA 42.5/NA 4 >32 ≤0.5–>32
 Ciprofloxacin 62.0/59.3 38.1/2.7 0/38.1 0.12 >1 ≤0.002–>1
 Norfloxacin 63.7/54.9 8.9/1.8 27.4/43.4 0.5 >8 ≤0.015–>8
 Fosfomycin 91.2/83.2 3.5/- 5.3/16.8 4 64.0 ≤0.25–>128
 Nitrofurantoin 53.1/73.5 (96.3)c 20.4/- 26.6/26.6 32 128.0 ≤2–>128
 Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 44.3/44.3 0/1.8 55.8/54.0 >64 >64 ≤0.5–>64

Number in parentheses is the susceptibility rates when applied to E. coli only (EUCAST recommendation)

CLSI Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, EUCAST European Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, I intermediate, MIC Minimal inhibitory concentrations, R resistant, S susceptible, CA-UTI community-acquired urinary tract infection, NA or a dash = No interpretive breakpoints available