A, Representative examples of electrophoresis gels for PCR products generated by TRPV4 primers in separate jugular- and nodose-derived neurons. TRPV4 was expressed in 0 of 30 jugular neurons and 1 of 32 nodose neurons. The positive control tissue for TRPV4 was the kidney. B, Representative examples of electrophoresis gels for PCR products generated by P2X3 primers in separate jugular- and nodose-derived neurons. P2X3 was expressed in 23 of 30 cells from the jugular and 17 of 32 cells from the nodose ganglia. The positive control tissue for P2X3 was the trigeminal ganglia. C, Representative examples of electrophoresis gels for PCR products generated by P2X3 primers in separate jugular- and nodose-derived neurons. P2X2 was expressed in 1 of 30 jugular neurons and 13 of 32 of nodose neurons. All cells analyzed expressed both PGP9.5 and β-actin. +, Positive control; J, jugular-derived neurons; L, ladder; N, nodose-derived neurons; W, water control.