Figure 3.
Elastic fiber organization is disrupted in saccular stage inhibitory κB kinase β transactivated (IKTA) lungs. Pregnant or lactating dams were treated with doxycycline (Dox) in drinking water until lung harvest at embryonic day (E) 18 (Dox E13 to E18), postnatal day (PN) 0 (Dox E13 to PN0), or PN2 (Dox PN0 to PN2). A–F: Representative photomicrographs of Hart's elastin–stained lung sections from control (CTRL) (A–C) and IKTA (D–F) lungs. Closed arrows denote elastic fibers around terminal airspaces in controls at PN0 (B) and PN2 (C). Open arrows denote fragmented elastic fibers in IKTA lungs at PN0 (E) and PN2 IKTA (F). G and H: Tropoelastin immunostaining in PN2 control (G) and IKTA (H) lungs. I and J: Representative transmission electron microscopic images of PN2 control (I) and IKTA (J) lungs. Red arrows denote elastic fibers; asterisk denotes collagen bundles. K: Representative Western blot for soluble tropoelastin protein in lung tissue homogenates at PN2. L: Morphometric quantification of area occupied by insoluble elastin in PN2 control and IKTA lungs. Data are expressed as means ± SEM. n = 10 imaged fields for each of four separate control and IKTA lungs. Original magnification, ×400 (A–F); ×630 (G and H); ×30,000 (I and J).