Figure 1.
IR-A, IR-B, and IGF-1R mRNA levels across the menstrual cycle in normal endometrial tissue from 45 women. Graphs (A) IR-A (ο), (C) IR-B (□), and (E) IGF-1R (Δ) show individual tissue levels by day of the menstrual cycle. Graphs (B) IR-A, (D) IR-B, and (F) IGF-1R are mean receptor levels ± SEM for each phase of the menstrual cycle: EP (d 1–7), LP (d 8–14), ES (d 15–21), and LS (d 22–28). The y-axis for IR-A graphs are scaled differently due to higher levels in EP. The significance is defined as follows: *, P ≤ .05 vs EP; **, P ≤ .001 vs EP; ***, P ≤ .0001 vs EP; +, P ≤ .05 vs LP; #, P ≤ .05 vs IR-A; ##P < .005 vs IR-A.