Table 1. Variables and Measurement for Psychological Data Collection.
Variable | Conceptual definition | Description/measure | |
PSI/SF | Parenting Stress Index, Short Form | Characteristics associated with parenting stress and dysfunctional parenting |
PBC | Parent Behavior Checklist | Multiple aspects of childrearing, including developmental expectations, discipline and nurturing |
PSDQ | Parenting Styles and Dimension Questionnaire | Assesses parenting practices within three parenting typologies: Authoritative, Authoritarian and Permissive |
EOD | Experiences of Discrimination | Measures self-reported experiences of discrimination in adults (women only, children's experiences of discrimination not assessed in this study) in 11 areas including gender, race, age, and skin color |
RES | Race-Related Events Scale | Assesses exposure to stressful and potentially traumatizing experiences of race-related stress in adults (women only, children's experiences of discrimination not assessed in this study) | |
SOS | Stress Overload Scale | Measures feelings of powerlessness and the burden of demands | |
CSI | Coping Strategy Indicator | Measures three main coping strategies: Seeking support, Problem Solving, and Avoidance | |
VIA | Vancouver Index of Acculturation | Acculturation is defined as the process of adaptation to customs, behaviors and attitudes of a new culture;j may influence relationships between experiences of discrimination and health outcomes; assesses two values: Heritage and behaviors associated with Mainstream culture |
BDI | Beck Depression Inventory | Used to assess maternal mental health, including symptoms of sadness, guilt, agitation, sleep loss and appetite loss. | |
DEM | Demographics | Demographic data (age, gender, education, health insurance status, cigarette smoking, income, employment status, family structure, family health history (including hypertension, birth history) |
Note. Demographic variables are collected using ACASI at baseline and updated as needed on subsequent occasions. All other variables are measured on each study occasion using ACASI (T1 = Time 1 (Enrollment); T2 = Time 2 (six months postenrollment); T3 = Time 3 (12 months postenrollment); T4 = Time 4 (18 months postenrollment). ACASI = Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing.