Figure 8. Wood biomass yield, density and anatomy of MOMT4 transgenic aspen.
(a) The measured stem height and dried wood biomass yield of 3- and/or 6-month-old plants of control and MOMT4 transgenics grown in a greenhouse. Data are mean±s.d. with three biological repeats for control and each transgenic line. (b) The calculated average wood density of the basal stems of ∼8-month-old aspens. Data are mean±s.d. with six and eleven biological replicates (each replicate with three technical repeats) for control and transgenic plants, respectively. (c,d) Scanning electron micrographs of stem transverse section of ∼2-month-old control (c) and MOMT4-0 transgenic line (d). rp, ray parenchyma; ve, vessel element; xf, xylary fibre. Scale bar, 50 μm.