Number of cancer deaths (annualised %) and multivariable-adjusted HR (95% CI) for statin use (current vs never) by cause of cancer death.Summary statistics are from a Cox regression model, using cause-specific baseline hazard functions, with the covariate adjustments described above. *Corresponds to a significance test of the main effect, or an 11-df test of heterogeneity for cause of cancer death. To avoid double counting, test of heterogeneity is between the main causes of death listed and does not include subtypes (i.e., cancer of the pancreas or other digestive organs, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and leukaemia). ^Only participants without a baseline hysterectomy were used to compute the number of cases and annualised rates. There was one endometrial cancer case among the group of no statin use that reported having had a hysterectomy.