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. 2016 Jun 28;6(6):e845. doi: 10.1038/tp.2016.107

Table 3. The effects of ASD traits and anxiety on BOLD responses during negative reward feedback.

      Peak MNI coordinates
Region Brodmann area Cluster size (voxels) x y z Z P (FWE)
Interaction: ASD traits x anxiety
 R superior and medial frontal gyri 10 223 21 59 7 4.95 0.003
      27 59 1 4.84  
      18 47 22 4.34  
 R caudate, R putamen, R middle and inferior frontal gyri 10 301 21 23 1 4.73 <0.001
      27 38 −5 4.46  
      21 23 13 3.76  
 L middle temporal gyrus   183 −51 −76 13 4.05 0.010
      −57 −70 10 3.87  
      −24 −85 16 3.36  
High<Low ASD traits
 R superior and medial frontal gyri 10 137 21 44 1 4.33 0.046
      18 53 13 4.06  
      30 56 −2 3.71  
Any anxiety<no anxiety
 R superior frontal gyrus extending to R medial frontal gyrus 10 145 21 59 7 5.08 0.034
      21 62 19 3.62  
      6 65 28 2.75  
 R caudate, R inferior frontal gyrus   449 18 47 22 4.79 <0.001
      21 23 1 4.67  
      27 38 −5 4.29  
 L inferior parietal lobule   184 −36 −46 28 4.62 0.009
      −24 −58 25 4.53  
      −24 −52 34 3.87  
 L middle temporal gyrus   182 −60 −70 7 4.12 0.010
      −51 −76 13 3.85  
      −51 −67 13 3.33  
 L middle and inferior frontal gyrus   193 −48 29 −5 4.04 0.007
      −30 44 22 3.97  
      −30 41 14 3.72  
 L caudate extending to the subgenual ACC 24/25 144 −9 23 −5 3.71 0.036
      −18 23 4 3.67  
      −12 14 4 3.41  
 R middle and inferior frontal gyri (extending to the midcingulate/ACC) 46/32 143 27 32 31 4.30 0.015
      33 38 16 4.12  
      42 35 13 3.66  
 L inferior and middle frontal gyri 46 136 −48 29 −2 4.20 0.020
      −36 26 13 3.39  
      −45 32 19 3.38  
 L rolandic operculum / precentral gyrus, L inferior frontal gyrus 22 120 −63 5 4 4.00 0.040
      −54 2 7 3.65  
      −57 14 7 3.55  
 L and R lateral ventricles, corpus callosum (extending to L caudate)   179 9 −10 22 3.60 0.004
      −6 −19 25 3.35  
      −1 25 3.35    
 R putamen and R caudate extending to subcallosal gyrus / gyrus rectus, R superior and medial frontal gyri 34/13/10 472 27 59 1 5.33 <0.001
      15 56 7 4.70  
      18 20 1 3.89  
 L putamen and L caudate, L middle frontal gyrus 47 227 −30 44 −8 4.17 0.003
      −12 11 1 4.00  
      −21 23 1 3.88  

Abbreviations: ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; ANXONLY, high anxiety and low ASD traits; ASDANX, high ASD traits and anxiety; ASDONLY, high ASD traits and low anxiety; BOLD, blood-oxygen-level dependent; FWE, family-wise error correction; L, left hemisphere; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; R, right hemisphere.