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. 2016 Jul 5;3:160048. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.48

Figure 1. Workflow diagram summarizing the major steps used to generate the debiased and downscaled paleoclimate and 21st-century datasets described here.

Figure 1

The primary climate variables are first debiased by differencing (or similar calculation, see Section 3) each paleoclimate or future climate simulation from a climate simulation representing present climates. These anomalies (also known as factors) are then downscaled via bilinear interpolation to a higher-resolution grid corresponding to the resolution of the modern observational dataset. The anomalies are then added to (or multiplied by, see Section 3) the observational data to produce the downscaled primary variables. From these downscaled primary variables, secondary bioclimatic variables (GDD, AET, PET) are calculated. Finally, statistical summaries of all variables are calculated at centennial (paleoclimatic simulations) and decadal resolution (21st-century projections).