Fig. 3.
Plasma IGF1 levels and IGF1 secretion in primary cells from the TBC1D1 KI mice. (A) Plasma levels of IGF1 in the male WT and KI mice (8 wk old). n = 7. (B) Colocalization of TBC1D1 and IGF1 in primary hepatocytes. Bars indicate 10 μm in length. (C and D) Expression of TBC1D1 and IGF1 in TBC1D1-depleted primary hepatocytes via siRNA (C) or in primary hepatocytes from the TBC1D1 KO mice (D). NC, negative control. (E and F) IGF1 secretion in TBC1D1-depleted primary hepatocytes (E) or in primary hepatocytes from the TBC1D1 KO mice (F). NC, negative control. n = 6. (G) IGF1 secretion in primary hepatocytes from the WT and TBC1D1 KI mice. aP < 0.05 (WT metformin or AICAR vs. WT untreated) and bP < 0.05 (KI metformin or AICAR vs. KI untreated). n = 8. (H) IGF1 secretion in primary adipocytes from the KI mice. WT: n = 5; KI: n = 6. The data are given as the mean ± SEM, and the asterisk indicates P < 0.05. Statistical analysis for G was carried out using two-way ANOVA.