Predicted chemical shift differences between HIV-1 CA structural models. A, values of Δrms between engineered hexameric (PDB code 3MGE) and pentameric (PDB code 3P05) CA mutants, based on 15N and 13C chemical shift predictions from SHIFTS (red triangles) and ShiftX (blue squares). For comparison, experimental values of Δrms between CA tubes and R18L-CA sheets are shown as solid black circles. B, superposition of Cα traces for the hexameric (magenta) and pentameric (green) CA mutants, for which the r.m.s. deviation between Cα coordinates in residues 10–140 and 150–200 is 1.72 Å. C, values of Δrms between CA chains m and A from a cryo-EM-based model for CA tubes (PDB 3J34), based on chemical shift predication from SHIFTS (red triangles) and ShiftX (blue squares). D, superposition of Cα traces for chains A (magenta) and m (green), for which the r.m.s. deviation between Cα coordinates in residues 10–140 and 150–200 is 2.53 Å.