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. 2016 Jul 5;18(8):1043–1065. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/now127

Table 3.

Select trials of systemic agents for brain metastases according to primary cancer

Study Systemic Agent Mechanism of Action Population Prior Treatment for BM? Trial Design N Primary endpoint CNS Response Rate (CR + PR) Overall Survival
 Margolin et al, Lancet Oncol 2012111 Ipilimumab CTCL-4 inhibitor Melanoma metastatic to brain 41%–48% had received prior brain irradiation (WBRT or SRS) Phase II 72 total: 51 in cohort A: neurologically asymptomatic (N = 51)
Cohort B: symptomatic (N = 21)
Disease control (CR, PR, SD) at 12 wk = 18% in A and 5% in B 16% cohort A, 5% cohort B 7.0 mo in cohort A and 3.7 mo in cohort B
 Long et al, Lancet Oncol 2012138 Dabrafenib BRAF inhibitor Val600Glu or Val600Lys BRAF mutant melanoma metastatic to brain Cohort A previously untreated BM.
Cohort B prior local therapy (surgery, WBRT, SRS)
Phase II 172 total: 89 in cohort A and 83 in cohort B Intracranial response (CR + PR)
Val600Glu 39.2% cohort A, 30.8% cohort B. Val600 Lys 6.7% cohort A, 22.2% cohort B
Val600Glu 39.2% cohort A, 30.8% cohort B. Val600 Lys 6.7% cohort A, 22.2% cohort B Val600Glu 33.1 mo cohort A, 31.4 mo Cohort B
Val600Lys 16.3 mo cohort A, 21.9 mo cohort B
Breast Cancer
 Lin et al, CCR 2009131 Lapatinib HER2 inhibitor HER2+ breast cancer metastatic to brain All previously treated with brain irradiation (WBRT or SRS) Phase II 242: 95 in cohort A (ECOG 0–1 and 1–2 prior trastuzumab regimens) and 147 in cohort B (ECOG 2 and/or >2 prior trastuzumab regimens) CNS objective response (50% or greater volumetric reduction) 6% in cohort A and cohort B 6.4 mo (cohort A 9.6 mo, cohort B 5.5 mo)
Lapatinib + capecitabine HER2 inhibitor (lapatinib) and prodrug that converts to 5-fluorouracil (capecitabine) HER2+ breast cancer metastatic to brain Extension phase for patients on study who progressed on lapatinib Phase II Subset of 50 patients in above study CNS objective response (50% or greater volumetric reduction) 20% Not reported
 Bachelot Lancet Oncol 2013 LANDSCAPE132 Lapatinib + capecitabine HER2 inhibitor (lapatinib) and prodrug that converts to 5-fluorouracil (capecitabine) HER2+ breast cancer metastatic to brain Untreated (no prior WBRT, SRS, capecitabine, or lapatinib) Phase II 45 CNS objective response rate (CR + PR) 49% 17 mo
 Pivot et al, J Clin Onc 2015 CEREBEL126 Lapatinib + capecitabine (lap + cap) vs trastuzumab + capecitabine (tras + cap) HER2 inhibitors (lap, tras), prodrug that converts to 5-fluorouracil (cap) HER2+ metastatic breast cancer without CNS metastases at baseline No brain metastases at baseline Phase III, randomized study, preventative trial.
Study terminated early
540 (271 lap + cap and 269 tras + cap) Incidence of CNS mets as first site of relapse: 3% in the lap + cap and 5% in tras + cap, difference not statistically significant n/a 22.7 mo for lap + cap and 27.3 mo for tras + cap
 Bearz et al, Lung Cancer 2010146 Pemetrexed Folate anti-metabolite NSCLC metastatic to brain 71.8% received prior brain irradiation Retrospective review 39 Not specified 38.4% 10 mo
 Ceresoli et al, Ann Oncol 2004147 Gefitinib EGFR inhibitor Unselected patients with NSCLC metastatic to brain 2 groups: prior WBRT (44%) and no prior WBRT (56%) Phase II 41 Disease control rate (CR + PR + SD) 10% 5 mo
 Wu et al, Ann Oncol 2013 (CTONG-0803)148 Erlotinib EGFR inhibitor East Asian patients with adenocarcinoma or EGFR mutant NSCLC, asymptomatic brain metastases (total 16.7% mutation positive) 35.4% received prior WBRT Phase II 48 PFS 58.3% systemic +intracranial RR (intracranial RR alone not reported) 18.9 mo [patients with EGFR mutant disease 37.5 mo vs EGFR wild-type 18.4 mo vs unknown EGFR status 19.4 mo, P-value .14]
 Besse et al, Clin Ca Res 2015117 Bevacziumab + carboplatin and paclitaxel VEGF inhibitor (bevacziumab), alkylating agent (carboplatin), taxane (paclitaxel) Unselected NSCLC patients with asymptomatic, prevously untreated brain metastases No prior treatment Phase II (noncomparative study with 2 arms atlhough only the bevacizuamb + carboplatin and paclitaxel arm results reported) 67 in the B + CP arm Investigator-assessed 6-month PFS rate 61.2% 16 mo
 Ou et al, J Clin Oncol 2016155 Alectinib ALK inhibitor ALK-rearranged NSCLC resistant to crizotinib, patients with stable treated or asymptomatic untreated brain and leptomeningeal metastases allowed 61 (73%) of 84 patients with CNS metastases at study entry had prior brain irradiation Phase II 84 (61%) of the 138 patients enrolled on study had CNS metastases at baseline Objective response rate (CNS objective response rate was a secondary objective) 57% in 35 patients with measurable CNS lesions Not reported
 Boggs et al, Lung Ca 2014123 Temozolomide (TMZ) Alkylating agent NSCLC stage IIIA, IIIB, or IV (only pleural or pericardia effusion), no brain metastases at baseline No brain metastases at baseline Phase II randomized trial – preventative trial
Study terminated early
53 (26 TMZ, 27 observation) Incidence of brain metastases at 12 mo: 18% in TMZ, 13% in observation n/a 27.1 mo in TMZ vs 22.5 mo in observation (P = .7)

Abbreviations: CR, complete response; PR, partial response; PFS, progression-free survival; RR, response rate; mets, metastases.