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. 2016 May 11;50:592–612. doi: 10.1007/s12160-016-9798-4

Table 1.

List of studies included in meta-analysis (study 1; k = 86)

RAA measures reported Study characteristics
Study Experiential and instrumental attitudes Injunctive and descriptive norm Capacity and autonomy Sample size (N) Type of behavior Sample type Follow-up (weeks)
Abraham, Henderson, and Der (2004) [44] 260a
Protection: using condoms Adolescent/school: school children Longer, 130
Armitage and Conner (1999a) [45] 94 Protection: eating a low fat diet Student Shorter, 4
Armitage and Conner (1999b) [46] 413 Protection: eating a low-fat diet Adult: workforce Longer, 13
Armitage, Conner, Loach, and Willetts (1999) [47] 121 Risk: multiple drug behaviors, drink alcohol, smoke cannabis Student Shorter, 2
Berg, Jonsson, and Conner (2000) [48] 1086a
Protection: healthy eating Adolescent/school: school children Shorter, 3
Bish, Sutton, and Golombok (2000) [49] 133 Detective: health screening Adult: general public Longer, 13
Blanchard et al. (2009a) [50] 511 Protection: eating five fruit and vegetables Student Shorter, 1
Blanchard et al. (2009b) [51]
Sample 1: Caucasian
Sample 2: African American

Protection: eating five fruit and vegetables
Protection: eating five fruit and vegetables
Shorter, 2
Shorter, 2
Blanchard et al. (2008a) [52]
Sample 1: Caucasian
Sample 2: African American

Protection: physical activity
Protection: physical activity
Shorter, 1
Shorter, 1
Blanchard et al. (2008b) [53]
Sample 1: Caucasian
Sample 2: African American

Protection: physical activity
Protection: physical activity
Longer, 8
Longer, 8
Boudreau, Godin, Pineau, and Bradet (1995) [54] 86 Protection: physical activity Adult: workforce Longer, 8
Bryan and Rocheleau (2002) [55] 204 Protection: physical activity (aerobic and resistance exercise) Student Longer, 13
Chatzisarantis, Hagger, Wang, and Thogersen-Ntoumani (2009) [56] 231 Protection: physical activity Adolescent/school: school children Longer, 5
Conner, Godin, Sheeran, and Germain (2012) [57] 1070 Other: donating blood Adult: general public Longer, 26
Conner and McMillan (1999) [58] 118 Risk: using illegal drugs Student Longer, 13
Conner, Rhodes, Morris, McEachan, and Lawton (2011) [29]
Study 1: Control group
Study 2: Control group

Protection: physical activity
Protection: physical activity
Shorter, 3
Shorter, 3
Conner, Rodgers, and Murray (2007) [59] 146 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 1
Conner, Sherlock, and Orbell (1998), Study 2 [60] 123 Risk: using illegal drugs Adult: general public Longer, 8
de Bruijn, Keer, van den Putte, and Neijens (2012) [61] 109 Protection: fruit consumption Student Shorter, 4
de Bruijn, Rhodes, and van Osch (2012) [62] 415 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 3
de Bruijn, Verkooijen, de Vries, and van den Putte (2012) [63] 413 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 2
de Vries, Backbier, Kok, and Dijkstra (1995) [40] 401 Risk: smoking Adolescent/school: school children Longer, 26
Dunn, Mohr, Wilson, and Wittert (2011) [64] 401 Risk: fast food Adult: general public Shorter, 1
Elliott and Ainsworth (2012) [65] 120 Risk: binge drinking Student Shorter, 2
Elliott and Thomson (2010) [66] 1403 Risk: speeding Adult: general public Longer, 26
Ellis Gardner and Hausenblas (2004) [67] 58c Protection: exercising and eating a healthy diet Adult: overweight women Shorter, 4
Eves, Hoppe, and McLaren (2003) [68] 133a
Protection: six separate physical activity behaviors (e.g., aerobics, swimming) Adult: general public Shorter, 4
Giles, Liddell, and Bydawell (2005) [69] 32 Protection: using condoms Adolescent/school: young people Shorter, 1
Giles, McClenahan, Cairns, and Mallet (2004) [70] 55a
Other: donating blood Student Shorter, 1
Godin, Anderson, Lambert, and Desharnais (2005) [71] 740 Protection: physical activity Adolescent/school: school children Longer, 52
Hagger and Chatzisarantis (2005) [72]
Study 1
Study 2

Protection: dieting
Protection: exercise
Adult: workforce
Shorter, 2
Shorter, 2
Hoie, Moan, Rise, and Larsen (2012) [73]
Sample 1: Young people
Sample 2: General Public

Other: Quitting smoking
Other: Quitting smoking
Adolescent/school: young people
Adult: general public
Longer, 13
Longer, 13
Jackson, Smith, and Conner (2003) [74] 85 Protection: physical activity Adult: workforce Longer, 8
Karvinen et al. (2009) [75] 397 Protection: physical activity Adult: patient Longer, 12
Kellar and Abraham (2005) [76] control group 69 Protection: eating five fruit and vegetables Student Shorter, 1
Kraft, Rise, Sutton, and Roysamb (2005) [77] 110 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 2
Lawton, Ashley, Dawson, Waiblinger, and Conner (2012) [78]
Sample 1: White British
Sample 2: South Asian

Other: breastfeeding
Other: breastfeeding
Adult: pregnant mothers
Adult: pregnant mothers
Longer, 26
Longer, 26
Lawton, Conner, and McEachan (2009) [25] 390 Multiple
Risk (binge drinking, alcohol, illegal drugs, smoking exceeding speed limit)
Protection (brushing teeth, exercising, flossing, fruit and vegetable consumption, low fat diet, physical activity, self-examination, sunscreen use, vitamin use)
General public Shorter, 4
Lowe, Eves, and Carroll (2002) [79] 365 Protection: physical activity Adult: general public Longer, 26
McEachan, Sutton, and Myers (2010) [80] 397a
Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 2
McMillan and Conner (2003) [81] 139 Risk: using illegal drugs Student Longer, 26
McMillan et al. (2008) [82] 248 Other: breastfeeding Adult: general public Longer, 6
McMillan, Higgins, and Conner (2005) [83] 620a
Other: not initiating smoking Adolescent/school: school children Longer, 13
Molla, Astrom, and Berhane (2007) [84] 743 Protection: using condoms Adult: general public Longer, 12
Myers and Horswill (2006) [85] 46 Protection: using sunscreen Student Longer, 16
Norman (2011) [86] 109a
Risk: binge drinking Student Shorter, 4
Norman, Armitage, and Quigley (2007) [87] 79a
Risk: binge drinking Student Shorter, 1
Norman and Conner (2006) [88] 273a
Risk: binge drinking Student Shorter, 1
Norman and Hoyle (2004) [89] 95 Detective: breast self-examination Adult: workforce Shorter, 4
Payne, Jones, and Harris (2002) [90] 199 Protection: physical activity Adult: workforce Shorter, 1
Payne, Jones, and Harris (2004) [91] 296 Protection: physical activity and healthy eating Adult: workforce Shorter, 1
Plotnikoff, Courneya, Trinh, Karunamuni, and Sigal (2008) [92] 244 Protection: physical activity Adult: patient Longer, 12
Povey, Conner, Sparks, James, and Shepherd (2000a) [93] 234a 242b Protection: healthy eating Adult: general public Shorter, 2
Povey, Conner, Sparks, James, and Shepherd (2000b) [94]
Sample 1
Sample 2

Protection: eating a low-fat diet
Protection: eating five fruit and vegetables
Adult: general public
Adult: general public
Shorter, 4
Shorter, 4
Raudsepp, Viira, and Hannus (2010) [95] 236 Protection: physical activity Adolescent/school: school children Longer, 52
Rhodes and Blanchard (2008) [96], sample 2 174 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 2
Rhodes, Blanchard, Matheson, and Coble (2006) [97] 230 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 2
Rhodes and Courneya (2003) [98] 305 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 4
Rhodes and Courneya (2005) [99] 585 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 2
Rhodes, Courneya, Blanchard, and Plotnikoff (2007) [100] 358 Protection: physical activity Adult: general public Longer, 8
Rhodes, de Bruijn, and Matheson (2010a) [101] 153 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 2
Rhodes, Jones, and Courneya (2002) [102] 192 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 2
Rhodes and Matheson (2005) [103] 241 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 2
Rhodes, Matheson, and Mark (2010) [104]
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4

Protection: physical activity
Protection: physical activity
Protection: physical activity
Protection: physical activity
Shorter, 2
Shorter, 2
Shorter, 2
Shorter, 2
Rise, Kovac, Kraft, and Moan (2008) [105] 103 Other: quitting smoking Student Longer, 16
Rivis and Sheeran (2003b) [106] 225a
Protection: physical activity Student Shorter: 2
Rodgers, Conner, and Murray (2008) [19], study 1 278 Protection: physical activity Student Shorter, 1
Schutz et al. (2011) [107]
Scott, Eves, French, and Hoppe (2007) [108], study 2
Protection: using condoms
Protection: physical activity
Adult: males
Adult: army trainees
Longer, 26
Shorter, 1
Scott et al. (2010) [109] 186 Protection: physical activity Adult: army trainees Shorter, 1
Shankar, Conner, and Bodansky (2007) [110] 54 Detective: checking blood glucose levels Adult: patient Shorter, 2
Sieverding, Matterne, and Ciccarello (2010) [111] 2307 Detective: health screening Adult: general public Longer, 52
Victoir, Eertmans, Van den Bergh, and Van den Broucke (2005) [112] 80 Protection: safe driving Adult: general public Shorter, 1
Wilkinson and Abraham (2004) [113] 225 Risk: smoking Adolescent/school: school children Longer, 26
Woolfson and Maguire (2010) [114] 62 Risk: binge drinking Student Shorter, 4
Number of tests (k)d 49e 42f 36

aSample size for relationships with behavior

bSample size for relationships with intention

cPooled sample size (69 for exercise, 46 for diet)

dThree studies failed to report intention–behavior correlation [40, 107, 111] resulting in k = 83 tests

eTwo studies failed to report correlation of experiential or instrumental attitude with behavior [68] or intention and behavior [113]

fTwo studies failed to report correlation of descriptive norm with behavior [84] or descriptive norm and injunctive norm with behavior [111]