Figure 1.
Macrophage TNF-α and IL-10 production after exposure to varying concentrations of TLR agonists. Primary bone marrow macrophages were harvested from A/J mice, plated, and stimulated with Poly I:C, a TLR3 agonist (A), CpG, a TLR9 agonist (B), OK 432, a TLR2/4 agonist (C), or various combinations of two agonists, as indicated. Cytokine levels were measured by ELISA 16–24 hours after stimulation and expressed as pg/mL (A–C) or TNF-α/IL-10 ratios (D, mean and standard deviation of three separate experiments).
Notes: The differences between untreated and treated cultures are statistically significant (**P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001).
Abbreviations: TLR, Toll like receptor; TNF, Tumor Necrosis Factor; IL-10, Interleukin 10; ELISA, Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay; Poly I:C, Polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid; CpG, Cytosine-phosphate-Guanin.