Table 3. Statistics of the annotation results for the C. idella unigenes.
All | Nr | KO | GO | KOG | Swiss-Prot | eggNOG | |
Number of Genes | 191,795 | 52,668 | 10,134 | 41,347 | 49,975 | 46,392 | 22,785 |
% of Genes | 100 | 27.46 | 5.28 | 21.56 | 26.06 | 24.19 | 11.88 |
Note: Nr: NCBI non-redundant protein sequences, KO: KEGG Ortholog database, GO: Gene Ontology, KOG: Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins, Swiss-Prot: A manually annotated and reviewed protein sequence database, and eggNOG: evolutionary genealogy of genes: Non-supervised Orthologous Groups.