(A) Todralestes variabilis (Eutheria, Pantolesta?), M2-1; (B) Ocepeia grandis (left), M3, and O. daouiensis (right), M2-1 (Paenungulatomorpha); (C) Abdounodus hamdii (Paenungulatomorpha), M3-1; (D) Eritherium azzouzorum (Paenungulata, Proboscidea), M3-1; (E) Phosphatherium escuilliei (Paenungulata, Proboscidea), M3-1. Not to scale. All teeth figured as right teeth. Abbreviations: centr: centrocrista; hyp: hypocone; interl: interloph; ling c: lingual cinglum (pre- and postcingulum); crest metal and crest protol: full crest-like protoloph and metaloph (true lophodonty); mle: metaconule; mesost: mesostyle; pal: paraconule; pseudohyp: pseudohypocone; postprot: postprotocrista.