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. 2016 Jul 6;11(7):e0157556. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157556

Table 5. Wear pattern of the upper and lower molars of Abdounodus hamdii: attritional wear facets and related occluding structures.

C1-6 primitive shearing facets of tribosphenic molars following the nomenclature of Crompton [31], B1-B10 shearing facets of lophodont molars described by Butler [32].

Attritional wear facets (all phase I) Shearing occlusal structures (Table 4) Specimen Comments
Tribosphenic molars (Crompton 1971) Lophodont molars (Butler 1952) upper molars lower molars
C1 B2 1: Preparacrista-preprotocrista / protocristid MHNM.KHG.154 Holotype, OCP DEK/GE 308, MNHN PM35, OCP DEK/GE 310, PM67, PM68, MNHN PM92 Predominant attritional wear and function in Abdounodus
C2 B1 2: Postmetacrista / paracristid Absent or weak Weak, except MNHN PM35, PM67 Reduced attritional wear and function in Abdounodus
C3 B6 3: Postparacrista / cristid obliqua Weak Weak: PM68 Reduced attritional wear and function in Abdounodus
C4 B7 4: Premetacrista / Hypoconid-postcristid MHNM.KHG.154 Holotype, OCP DEK/GE 308, MNHN PM35, OCP DEK/GE 310, PM67, PM68 C4 > C3 and extended lingually to metacone—possibly related to metaloph development
C5 B3 Preprotocrista-protocone mesial / protocristid-metaconid distal MHNM.KHG.154 PM67, PM68,? MNHN PM92 In continuity with C1; protoloph / protolophid shearing pair
(modified C61) B9 6: Protocone distal / entoconid mesial-hypolophid MHNM.KHG.154 OCP DEK/GE 308, MNHN PM35, PM67 Interloph / hypolophid occlusion
(modified C9? 2) B10 5: Protocone lingual / hypoconid apex-hypolophid MHNM.KHG.154 Holotype, OCP DEK/GE 308, MNHN PM35, OCP DEK/GE 310, PM67, PM68 Interloph / hypolophid occlusion
- B8 7: Metaconule mesial / entoconid distal MHNM.KHG.154 PM68 (M3), MNHN PM92 Metaconule-Interloph / hypolophid occlusion (= posterior loph shearing)
- B5? 8: Metaconule distal / postentoconulid-hypoconulid mesial MHNM.KHG.154 (M3) OCP DEK/GE 308, MNHN PM35, OCP DEK/GE 310, PM67, PM68, MNHN PM92 Homology with facet B5 of Butler (1952)?

(1) resulting from the regression of the postprotocrista and the development of the hypolophid by comparison to the tribosphenic pattern

(2) possible modification the grinding occlusal contact 9 (facet C9) of the tribosphenic molars for shearing with the hypolophid (see text)