Fig. 2.
A: mean (+SE) number of Fos expressing nuclei in the entire ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) summed across its rostrocaudal extent in euglycemic and hypoglycemic animals. B: mean (+SE) number of Fos expressing nuclei in the anterior (a), dorsomedial (dm), central (c), and ventrolateral (vl) parts of the VMH summed across its rostrocaudal extent in euglycemic and hypoglycemic animals. C: mean (+SE) number of Fos expressing nuclei in the anterior (a), dorsomedial (dm), central (c), and ventrolateral (vl) parts of the VMH at atlas levels (AL; 52) 27 to 30. Euglycemic animals are shown by open bars and hypoglycemic animals by closed bars in all panels.*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.