Fig 2.
Mean (±SEM) cocaine intake (mg/kg) is presented for female monkeys in the follicular and luteal phases of their menstrual cycle and male monkeys when they had concurrent access to cocaine and water (A) or cocaine and SACC (B). Data correspond to the liquid delivery data shown in Fig 1A and 1B and are presented for 3 cocaine concentrations: 0.2 mg/ml (white bars), 0.4 mg/ml (light gray bars), and 0.8 mg/ml (black bars). Each point represents a mean of 9 (female) or 11 (male) monkeys, and data for each monkey consisted of a mean of 4 consecutive sessions/days during the mid-follicular (Days 7–10) phase or the late-luteal phase (Days 24–27) of the menstrual cycle (Day 1 = onset of menses). Significant differences between cocaine intake (mg/kg) when water (A) or SACC (B) was concurrently available are indicated by ## = water >SACC (A vs. B) p<0.01; # = p<0.05. Differences in cocaine intake between concentrations (mg/ml) are indicated by * = p< 0.05, ** = p< 0.01 above the lines connecting the concentrations within A or B.