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. 2016 Jun 30;27:259–278. doi: 10.1007/s00335-016-9648-5

Table 3.

Comparison of assembly statistics of commonly compared genomes of naked mole-rat, guinea pig, mouse, and human.

Data from

Naked mole-rat Guinea pig Mouse Human
Genome hetGla1 hetGla2 Cell Rep cavPor3 GRCm38.p4
Assembly size (Gb) 2.66 2.62 2.75 2.72 2.8 3.23
Sequencing coverage 92x 90x 92x 6.8x N/A N/A
# Contigs 273,990 114,653 N/A 61,604 796 1460
Contig N50 (Kb) 19.3 47.8 19.3 80.6 32,273 56,413
# Scaffolds 39,266 4229 N/A 3144 293 801
Scaffold N50 (Mb) 1585 20,533 21,307 27,942 52,589 59,364
Unfilled gaps (Mb) 214 303 N/A 60 79 161

Note that the naked mole-rat genome assemblies are less contiguous (lower contig N50) and more gapped (higher gap percentage)