Figure 5. Heatmap of top 1% gene with the largest fold change calculated by voom after sample weighting of normalized gene expressions for cohort B CRM samples over two time points.
(a) Heatmap columns are grouped by time point (B1, B2), (b) Heatmap columns are grouped by pair sample of two time points. Rows of heatmap represent gene expression values and column shows sample label (patientID_timePoint). (c) Multi dimensional scaling (MDS) plot of normalized gene expression for cohort B ADT samples, red is sample of first time point and blue indicates second time point sample, same subject is represented by identical letter. (d) Information of cohort B CRM samples corresponding to their intervals across two time points with their notations in MDS plot. Paired sample are alike in their transcriptions except CRM6, CRM8, CRM9, CRM10, those samples have interval at least 5 months. None of the top 1% genes of the largest fold change shows distinct clear separation between two time points in CRM samples.