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. 2016 Jul 7;11:58. doi: 10.1186/s13000-016-0509-z

Table 1.

Summary of clinicopathological data and results of molecular investigation of non melanoma skin cancer

References Tumor type HPyV6 DNA Detection Methode HPyV6 IHC 6V32 HPyV6-FISH Clinical Data
Schowalter et al. [14] NS (n = 35) 14,3 % DNA-PCR NA NA IC
Ser (n = 65) 69 % VP1 ELISA NA
Duncavage et al. [22] MCC (n = 28) 3,5 % rt-PCR NA NA NA
Schrama et al. [24] SCC (n = 21) 38 % qPCR NA NA NA
BCC (n = 18) 5,5 %
MCC (n = 20) 10 %
Scola et al. [25] SCC (n = 52) 4 % rt-PCR NA NA IC
BCC (n = 41) 7 %
KA (n = 42) 5 %
Imajoh et al. [23] NS (n = 34) 8,8 % rt-PCR NA NA NA
SCC (n = 63) 3,2 %
BCC (n = 50) 2 %
Nicol et al. [19] Ser 37,5 % pos. (age 1–4) VP1 ELISA NA NA IC
61,8 % pos. (age 15–19)
67,1 % pos (age 30–38)
98,2 % pos. (age 80+)
Schrama et al. [28] KA (n = 4) 25 % rt-PCR KA 1/4 (25 %) NA IS

IS immunosuppressed, IC immunocompetent, PCR polymerase chain reaction, IHC immunohistochemistry, FISH fluorescence in situ hybridisation, rt-PCR real time PCR, qPCR quantitative PCR, ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, HPyV6 human polyomavirus 6, NS normal skin, Ser serum, SCC squamous cell carcinoma, BCC basal cell carcinoma, KA keratoacanthoma, MCC Merkel cell carcinoma, NA not applicable