Investigating the function of maize CCoAOMT homologs in Rp1-D21-induced HR. A, The CCoAOMT homologs were transiently coexpressed with Rp1-D21 into N. benthamiana. The representative leaf was photographed at 3 d after inoculation (left), and the same leaf was cleared by ethanol (right). B, Ion leakage conductivity (average ± se, n > 5) was measured at 60 h after coexpression of GUS, HCT1806, or CCoAOMT homologs with Rp1-D21. Significant differences (P < 0.05; t test) between samples are indicated by different letters (a and b). C, Total protein was extracted from agroinfiltrated leaves at 30 hpi. Anti-HA was used to detect the expression of Rp1-D21, and anti-GFP was used to detect the expression of GUS, HCT1806, or CCoAOMT homologs. Equal loading of protein samples was shown by Ponceau S staining.