Oleosin transcripts, oleosins, and lipids in various organs and tissues of vanilla and Scadoxus. A, Transcripts of five oleosins in various organs of vanilla. The five oleosins are categorized into oleosin lineages on the basis of their sequences. The levels of the various oleosin transcripts are in RPKMs. Raw data are from NCBI. B, RT-PCR of transcripts of various oleosins and actin in different organs/tissues of vanilla. Actin transcript was used as a quantity reference. C, Immuno-SDS-PAGE of oleosins in extracts of different organs/tissues and LD fraction of vanilla. Actin protein was used as a quantity reference parallel to actin transcript in RT-PCR (B). The antibodies against U1 oleosin also recognized U2 oleosin in the seed sample; U1 (16.97 kD if no post-translational modification) and U2 (17.00 kD) oleosins were barely separated in the gel. D, SDS-PAGE of total extract and LD fraction of vanilla epidermis. The gel was subjected to silver staining. Oleosins identified with immunoblotting are indicated. Positions of molecular-weight markers are shown on the left. E, TLC of lipids in vanilla and Scadoxus leaf epidermis. Samples included total epidermis extract, LD fraction and cuticle wash (wash of leaf surface with chloroform). Positions of lipid markers are shown on the right. Oleo, Oleosin.