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. 2016 Jul 7;11(7):e0158747. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0158747

Table 1. PCR and IHC Detection of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis in uninfected terminal small intestine segments (IPP-C), adjacent infected segments (IPP-M), and mesenteric lymph nodes (LN).

Calf Infection (Mon) PCR1 IHC2
4 2.5 + + +
5 2 + + + Tiss + Tiss +
6 2 + +
7 2 + +
8 2 + + +
9 1 + + + + +
10 1 + + Cont +

1PCR amplification using VetAlert™ Johne’s Real-Time PCR

2 M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis was detected using rabbit polyclonal antisera that may cross-react with other mycobacterial

3Continuous PP and draining MLN tissue were combined on the same slide used for the PCR reaction

Tiss = Tissue section with no visible intestinal contents attached to the mucosa

Cont = Intestinal contents on the slide without intestinal tissue