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. 2016 Jun 15;4(2):e62. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.4997

Table 1.

Overview of weekly theory-based messages to participants.

Week Message type Theoretical content
1 Introduction (establishing rapport) Hi (insert name)! My name is (insert counselor’s name) and I am your virtual exercise counselor. I can’t wait to see the progress you make as you monitor and modify your behavior. I know you are super motivated and ready to kick start your exercise so let’s get you moving! Check in each day to report your activity and keep an eye on your message center. I’ll be checking in frequently to see how you’re doing. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.☺
2 Importance of self-monitoring Hey (insert name)! Just wanted to say you’re doing a great job! You’re already 1 week into using this app and you have tracked your behavior each day! Keeping track of your behavior allows you, and me, to see what a great job you are doing, and helps remind you of your goals. It can also show us where improvements are needed or whether there are any patterns that are problematic. Some people say that keeping track of what exercise they have done is the hardest part—you are excelling in this and this is what will keep you accountable to your personal goals! Keep checking in everyday and let’s rock this!
3 Reminder of importance of self-monitoring, use of verbal persuasion, and self-set rewards Week 2 down and look at how far you have come! You have now been tracking your exercise behavior for 2 weeks. Keep in mind that self-monitoring is the key to making lasting behavior changes. With this app, tracking your behavior is easy and you are showing yourself that you can do it. You are holding yourself to those goals that you care about so much—doesn’t it feel great? Now is a great time to plan a reward for yourself. Keep up the great work performing and monitoring your exercise—you can do it!
4 Performance accomplishment (insert name)—Wow look at all you’ve done so far! Take a look at your progress graph—all of those green bars you’ve accumulated are proof that you are well on your way to achieving your goals! You really are using this app to its full potential and you are in control of your exercise. You are doing fantastically—keep up this great momentum.
5 Feedback tailored to participant’s goals/overcoming perceived barriers Example: Barrier = family time
As the weather gets warmer, take the family out on the weekend to kick around a soccer ball, ride bikes, or walk to the park and toss a Frisbee.
6 Establishing vicarious experience Did you know that you are not the only one going through this program right now? There are 40 other facility members just like you that are monitoring their exercise, trying to achieve their personal exercise goals, and using this app to help them reach those goals. These individuals have been recording their bouts of exercise on the app, and have been overcoming their exercise barriers. So far, the app has been keeping people honest and committed to their exercise goals.
7 Self-monitoring feedback loop It’s week 7! You’re doing such a fantastic job taking charge of your own exercise regime by consistently monitoring your behavior and achieving positive scores each day. Now is a good time to look back and search for patterns of when you typically find it most difficult to stick with your exercise regimen. This can give you clues on how to circumvent those less-than-optimal motivational days. Notice weekends are your weak point? Be sure to get all your exercise in during the week and take the weekends off on purpose! Finding AM workouts unbearable? Modify your nighttime routine so that getting up and out the door isn’t so hard. By seeking out problematic trends, you can revise your plans and will be more likely to succeed.
8 Final check-in Today marks the final week of goal tracking for the study. Think about where you started and look at where you are now, the physical and mental barriers that you have been able to break down, and all about what you have learned about yourself. You are in control of your behavior and you are in the habit of self-monitoring. You should feel proud of the progress you’ve made. Now use this feeling to rock your last week of workouts and use this as you move forward. Great job!