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. 2016 Jul 7;5(1):1007. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-2410-3

Table 3.

Estimations realized to greenhouse gas (GHG) emission for different kinds of vinasses and different systems or wastes

Kind of vinasses or system or waste Vinasses generation L ×109 f Density Mg m−3 h Mg of vinasses generated ×108 Dosesg Ton ha−1 %C in vinasses %N in vinasses (CO2–C eq Gg year−1)
Sugarcanea 1400–2100 1.25h 18–26 382.5 0.29 0.123 92,015–138,022 1425–2138 13,169–19,753
Sugar beetb 200–320 2.5–3.9 0.52 0.475 13,245–20,604 368–572 7320–11,387
Mezcalc 0.0034–0.0063 0.00042–0.00079 N. R. 0.660 2–4 N.E 2–3
Tequilad 0.16–0.23 0.02–0.03 0.168 0.035 104–148 0.948–1.35 4–6
Continuous and rotation cropse 5.0–31 N.E 1.3×10−4
Rice cropse 0–29 N.E 1.1×10−4
Shrub land/natural landscapee 0.2–30 N.E 6.5×10−3
Animal wastee 4.1–4.7 N.E 0.05
Grazinge 1.7–28 N.E 3.7×10−5

a Goldemberg et al. (2008); b Christodoulou and Bezergianni (2007); c CRM (2015); d CRT (2015); e Muñoz et al. (2010); NR not reported; NE not estimated. Equations to estimate the potential quantity of GHG (CO2, N2O and CH4) emissions: CO2–C (Gg year−1) = (((Potential quantity of vinasses produced (Mg year−1))/(potential application rate (t ha−1))) × C to CO2 emission factor (20 C t ha−1year−1)/1000; CH4–CO2–Ceq (Gg year−1) = potential quantity of vinasses produced (Mg year−1) × %C in vinasses × C to CH4 conversion (1.33) × 1/1000 × 21 × C to CH4 emission factor (1 %); N2O–CO2–Ceq (Gg year−1) = potential quantity of vinasses produced (Mg year−1) × %N in vinasses × N to N2O conversion (1.57) × 1/1000 × 310 × N to N2O emission factor (1.25 %); Where 1.33 is the C to CH4 conversion; 1 % is the C to CH4 emission factor; 21 and 310 are the global warming potential for CH4 and N2O according to (IPCC 2007); 1.57 is the N to N2O conversion; 1.25 % is the N to N2O emission factor; 1000 is the factor of conversions from Mg to Gg; f Estimated liters of vinasses generated in total production of different products; g Dose recommended by Aparecida-Christofoletti et al. (2013) 300 m3 ha−1 and converted to ton ha−1, h The density 1.25 Mg m−3 reported by Tejada et al. (2007) for beet vinasses was generalized to all vinasses analysed in this document and to estimate the GHG emissions