Figure 1.
RecBCD motion shows variably sized discrete translocations. (A) Precision optical-trapping assay measures RecBCD motion. A DNA molecule is stretched between the RecBCD helicase and an optically trapped bead. One detection laser (pink) measures the bead position (xbd), which is used to calculate DNA length. The other detection laser (green) measures the position of a fiducial mark (xfid, yfid, zfid), which is used to stabilize the surface in three dimensions. (B) DNA contour length (L) decreases as RecBCD moves forward. Traces taken at 6 pN of force, 2 μM ATP and smoothed to 10 Hz (light green) and 1 Hz (dark green). (C) Magnification of the record shown in (B) (pink box) shows forward motion fit by a step-finding algorithm (55) (black line, arrows) that finds variably sized discrete translocations. (D) Occasionally, sets of discrete backward steps (∼2–3) were observed followed by subsequent forward motion.