Functional analysis of ORF3. (A) Expression pattern of ORF3. (B–E) Cytological observation of RNAi transgenic plants: negative control (B and D); positive (C and E). (F) Regression analysis of relative expression of ORF3 and spikelet fertility in parent and Ingra/Cpslo17 F1 RNAi transgenic plants. (G) Percentage of different types observed in mature embryo sacs of Ingra/Cpslo17-ORF3 RNAi representative and negative plants. APPN, abnormal positioning of polar nuclei; Le, lemma; MP, mature panicle; NES, normal embryo sac; other, other abnormal embryo sacs; Pa, palea; Pi, pistil; SES, small embryo sac; St, stamen; YL, young leaf; YR, young root; YS, young stem. Bars, 50 μm.