Relative quantification by TMT-labeling of the glycans released, for the four experimental conditions. Glycans were released from trypsin digests of cell lysates for the four sets of conditions (WT, WT-F, mca1Δ/Δ, and mca1Δ/Δ-F), by incubation with the englycosidase PNGase F. A, Total Ion current (TIC) chromatogram and localization of the major glycans identified in the separation gradient for the amide-HILIC phase. B, Examples of glycans quantified with the aminoxy-TMT reagents. Labels 126, 127, 128, and 129 correspond to WT, WT-F, mca1Δ/Δ, and mca1Δ/Δ-F conditions, respectively. Mass spectrometry acquisition was performed in triplicate with a mass range in MS of m/z 250 to 1000 and for m/z 850 to 4000. The results for the second mass range are shown in supplemental Fig. S2. Details of the quantification are provided in supplemental Table S6.