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. 2016 Jul 7;16:427. doi: 10.1186/s12885-016-2410-2

Table 2.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of 557 patients with myeloma included in the study

Variable n %
a) Socio-demographic details
 Age: Mean (SD, range) 68.41 (SD 10.4; 34–92)
  Men 341 61.2
  Women 209 37.5
  Missing 7 1.3
  White British/Irish/Other white background 513 92.1
  Black African or Black Caribbean 19 3.4
  Mixed ethnic background 4 0.7
  Other 14 2.5
  Missing 7 1.3
 Marital status
  Single 44 7.9
  Married 400 71.8
  Divorced or separated 36 6.5
  Widowed 68 12.2
  Missing 9 1.6
 Occupational status
  Working or student 82 14.7
  Not working or retired 467 83.9
  Missing 8 1.4
b) Disease factors
 Current phase of illness
  Newly diagnosed 102 18.3
  Treatment-free interval/stable disease 266 47.8
  Relapsed/progressive/palliative stage 182 32.7
 ISS stage at diagnosis
  I 154 27.6
  II 109 19.6
  III 116 20.8
  Missing 178 32.0
 Time since diagnosis in years: Mean (SD) 3.53 (3.4)
  Median, range (in years) 2.5 (0.08–23.6)
 Immunoglobulin type
  IgG 314 56.4
  IgA 118 21.2
  Kappa or lambda light chain 95 17.1
  Other 15 2.7
  Missing 15 2.7
 ECOG performance status
  0 Fully active 188 33.8
  1 Restricted 222 39.9
  2 Unable to work 87 15.6
  3 or 4 – Limited selfcare/confined 50 9.0
  Missing 10 1.8
 Total number of symptoms on MyPOS
  0 5 0.9
  1–5 175 31.4
  6–8 168 30.2
  9–15 205 36.8
  Missing 4 0.7
d) Treatment factors
 Lines of treatment: Median (range) 1 (0–6)
  Previously untreated 30 5.4
  1 line received 249 44.7
  2 lines received 155 27.8
  3 or more lines received 123 22.1
 Currently on treatment 292 52
  Active chemotherapy 213
  Undergoing autologous stem cell transplant 5
  Maintenance therapy 74
 Current MM treatment
  Bortezomib 59 27.6
  Lenalidomide 89 41.9
  Thalidomide/Pomalidomide 56 26.5
  Alkalyting agent 111 51.9
  Other  2 0.9
  Combination chemotherapy 110 51.4
 Intensity of treatments received
  None 54 9.7
  Chemotherapy only 303 54.4
  Chemotherapy and stem cell transplant 161 28.9
  More than one transplant 32 5.7
  Missing 7 1.3

Abbreviations: ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status, ISS International staging system classification of myeloma [36], MyPOS: Myeloma Patient Outcome Scale, SD Standard deviation