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. 2016 Jul 7;16:427. doi: 10.1186/s12885-016-2410-2

Table 3.

Outcome data scores for total sample and comparison of symptoms and palliative care needs across disease phases

Score Newly diagnosed (n = 102) Stable (n = 268) Progressive, relapsed stage (n = 184) Test
Measure n Mean, SD Median (range) n Mean, SD Median (range) n Mean, SD Median (range) n Mean, SD Median (range) F value p
 Time since diagnosis (months) 552 42.3 (40.7) 29.9 (0.1–283) 102 10.4 (16.8) 4.6 (0.2–103.1) 267 44.2 (39.8) 30.4 (0.49–239.9) 183 57.3 (41.8) 57.3 (41.8) 52.2 0.001*
 ECOG Performance status 551 1 (0–4) 101 1 (0–3) 268 1 (0–4) 182 1 (0–4) X 2: 24.4 0.002
 Total score 468 21.5 (13.5) 19 (0–61) 86 22.9 (13.4) 20 (1–61) 229 18.9 (13.1) 17 (1–59) 150 24.7 (13.4) 23 (0–61) 9.6 0.001
 Symptoms and function 526 76.2 (16.6) 78.8 (30.4–100) 96 75.8 (14.5) 76.8 (36–100) 253 79.1 (14.3) 80.4 (30.4–100) 175 72.2 (14.8) 71.4 (34–100) 11.9 0.001
 Emotion and coping 499 80 (16.6) 84.4 (18.8–100) 94 77.1 (17.2) 81.3 (34–100) 244 82.4 (16.2) 87.5 (18.8–100) 158 77.9 (16.4) 81.3 (34–100) 5.3 0.005
 Healthcare support and information needs 544 90.8 (12.7) 95 (40–100) 99 91.2 (12.8) 95 (40–100) 264 91.1 (12.9) 100 (40–100) 178 89.8 (12.5) 95 (50–100) 0.6 0.532
 Global health status 555 61.2 (22.3) 66.7 (0–100) 102 59.5 (20.5) 66.7 (0–100) 267 65.8 (21.8) 66.7 (0–100) 183 55.2 (22.7) 50 (0–100) 12.9 0.001
 Physical function 554 61.5 (22.5) 60 (0–100) 101 61.2 (26.7) 66.7 (0–100) 266 65.3 (25.2) 66.7 (0–100) 184 56.2 (24.6) 53.3 (0–100) 6.9 0.001
 Role function 553 59 (33.1) 66.7 (0–100) 101 55.4 (35.6) 66.7 (0–100) 266 64.9 (30.9) 66.7 (0–100) 183 52.3 (33.5) 50 (0–100) 8.9 0.001
 Emotional function 555 76.2 (22.1) 83.3 (0–100) 102 74.5 (23.7) 83.3 (0–100) 267 77.3 (21.3) 83.3 (0–100) 183 75.3 (22.3) 75 (0–100) 0.8 0.459
 Cognitive function 555 79 (21.9) 83.3 (0–100) 102 78.1 (21.9) 83.3 (0–100) 267 81.2 (20.5) 83.3 (16.7–100) 183 76.3 (23.7) 83.3 (0–100) 2.8 0.060
 Social function 554 65.1 (31.5) 66.7 (0–100) 102 60.5 (34.8) 66.7 (0–100) 267 70.2 (29.3) 66.7 (0–100) 182 60.1 (31.7) 66.7 (0–100) 7.1 0.001
 Disease symptoms 549 73.9 (21.2) 77.8 (0–100) 101 75.7 (20.9) 77.8 (0–100) 262 74 (20.9) 77.8 (5.6–100) 183 72.7 (21.8) 77.8 (0–100) 0.6 0.530
 Side-effects of treatment 542 81.4 (14.4) 83.3 (0–100) 100 80.3 (14) 83.3 (43–100) 261 83.5 (14) 86.7 (30–100) 178 78.8 (14.9) 80 (23–100) 6.1 0.002
 Body image 551 77.9 (30.5) 100 (0–100) 100 79 (31.7) 100 (0–100) 265 79.6 (28.2) 100 (0–100) 183 74.9 (32.8) 100 (0–100) 1.4 0.247
 Future perspective 549 64.6 (26.5) 66.7 (0–100) 100 61.4 (28.1) 66.7 (0–100) 264 67.2 (25.1) 77.8 (0–100) 182 62.1 (27.3) 66.7 (0–100) 2.8 0.061
 EQ5D Index score 550 0.65 (0.28) 0.69 (−0.5–1) 101 0.66 (0.28) 0.69 (−0.18–1) 264 0.67 (0.27) 0.69 (−0.18–1) 182 0.59 (0.29) 0.69 (−0.35–1) 4.5 0.012
 EQ5D Visual analogue scale VAS 318 63.51 (20.02) 61 (0.5–100) 68 58.8 (19.8) 60 (0.5–96) 139 69 (19.6) 69.5 (11–100) 111 59.5 (19.1) 60 (10–100) 9.82 0.001

aMyPOS: Myeloma Patient Outcome Scale: comprises 27 items, higher scores indicate higher symptom burden/more palliative care needs, MyPOS subscale scores transformed to 0–100 scale to allow for comparison to subscale scores from the EORTC QLQ-C30 and –MY20 questionnaires

bEORTC QLQ-C30: For the EORTC-QLQ-C30, higher scores on functioning subscales and the global quality of life scale indicate better functioning/better quality of life

cEORTC-QLQ-MY20: For the myeloma module of the EORTC quality of life questionnaire higher scores indicate more problems/symptoms in subscales

*Bold values denote significant p-values (>0.05)