Table 11.
Total costs prevented for individuals and the health systems over lifetime of the benefit cohorts
Benefit cohort | Direct costs for individuals prevented - medical expenses (millions) | Indirect costs for individuals prevented - lost wages (millions) | Direct costs for the health system prevented (millions) | Total costs prevented (billions) | Lifetime benefit per individual within the benefit cohorta |
1. Protected from acquiring infection | $1,376 | $52,513 | $1,813 | $55.70 | $2,569 |
2. Subclinical morbidity prevented from progressing | $818 | $31,273 | $1,063 | $33.2 | $2,572 |
3. Alleviated clinical disease | $744 | $10,210 | $664 | $11.6 | $855 |
Total | $2,938 | $93,996 | $3,540 | $100.5 | $2,095b |
aDoes not include the economic benefit to the health system
bWeighted average
See Additional file 2: Table S4 for the results stratified by WHO region. Costs are expressed in US$ 2014 prices