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. 2016 May 5;87(Suppl 1):9–23. doi: 10.1080/17453674.2016.1181816

Table 2.

Case-mix variables in arthroplasty registriesa

Category Case-mix variable Level of datab Registries that directly record the variablec Registries that obtain variable the via linkaged References
 Age 1 All Jones et al. 2001, Franklin et al. 2008, Rolfson et al. 2011a, Judge et al. 2012b, Williams et al. 2013, Gordon et al. 2014a, SooHoo et al. 2015.
 Sex 1 All Rolfson et al. 2011a, Judge et al. 2012b.
 Dependency/marital status 2 FORCE-TJR, NJR SHAR, SKAR Judge et al. 2012, NHS England Analytical Team 2013, Greene et al. 2014a.
 Work status 2 FORCE-TJR Judge et al. 2010.
Socioeconomic status
 Education 2 ACORN, FORCE-TJR, GAR, HSS, MARCQI DHR, DKR, NAR, SHAR, SKAR OECD 1999, UNESCO 2006, Judge et al. 2010, Greene et al. 2014a.
 Deprivation index 2 RACat NJR Judge et al. 2012, Neuberger et al. 2012, 2013, NHS England Analytical Team 2013.
Joint-specific history
 Diagnosis 1 All Judge et al. 2012.
 Previous surgery 2 ACORN, BAR, CJRR-Calif, DKR, FAR, FORCE-TJR, GAR, LROI, NAR, NJR, RIAP, RIPO, SKAR NHS England Analytical Team 2013.
Body habitus
 Height and weight (BMI) 2 ACORN, AJRR, AOANJRR, CJRR-Calif, CJRR-Canada, DKR, FORCE-TJR, GAR, HJR, HJRR, HSS, KP-TJRR, LROI, MARCQI, NJR, RACat, RIPO, SIRIS, SHAR, SKAR Lübbeke et al. 2007, Franklin et al. 2008, Jameson et al. 2014b, Judge et al. 2014.
Lifestyle factors
 Level of activity 3 CJRR-Calif, GAR, HJR, HSS
 Alcohol abuse 3 GAR, HJR, MARCQI Jenkins et al. 2011.
 Charlson Comorbidity Index 2 DHR, FORCE-TJR, HJRR, HSS NAR, NJR, SHAR, SKAR Bjorgul et al. 2010, NHS England Analytical Team 2013, Greene et al. 2015.
 Elixhauser Comorbidity Index 2 KP-TJRR, RACat NAR, MARCQI, SHAR, SKAR Greene et al. 2015.
 ASA class 2 ACORN, AJRR, AOANJRR, CJRR-Calif, GAR, HJRR, HSS, KP-TJRR, LROI, MARCQI, NAR, NJR, NZJRR, SHAR, SIRIS, SKAR Bjorgul et al. 2010, Hooper et al. 2012, Judge et al. 2012, SooHoo et al. 2015.
 Charnley class 2 DHR, FORCE-TJR, GAR, HJR, LROI, NAR, RIPO, SIRIS, SHAR, SKAR Dunbar et al. 2004, Bjorgul et al. 2010, Rolfson et al. 2011a.
 Back pain 2 FORCE-TJR Ayers et al. 2013.
 Mental health/depression 2 GAR, FORCE-TJR, HJR Franklin et al. 2008, Rolfson et al. 2009, Judge et al. 2012.
Preoperative PROMs
 Pain, function, and/or HRQoL 3 ACORN, AJRR, CJRR-Calif, FORCE-TJR, GAR, HJR, HSS, INOR, LAR, LROI, MARCQI, RIAP, SHAR, SKAR NJR (through NHS) Franklin et al. 2008, Rolfson et al. 2009, Judge et al. 2011, 2012, Greene et al. 2015, Maratt et al. 2015, SooHoo et al. 2015.

Case-mix variable is a variable that is predictive of improvement in an outcome measure. Abbreviations: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification; BMI, body mass index; NHS, National Health Service England; HRQoL, health-related quality of life; PROMs, patient-reported outcome measures.


Register level of data (Rolfson et al. 2011b). [Authors: not very clear/language editor]


Registries: ACORN, Arthroplasty Clinical Outcomes Registry National Australia; AJRR, American Joint Replacement Registry; AOANJRR, Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry; BAR, Belgian Arthroplasty Register ORTHOpride; CJRR-Calif, California Joint Replacement Registry; CJRR-Canada, Canadian Joint Replacement Registry; DHR, Danish Hip Arthroplasty Register; DKR, Danish Knee Arthroplasty Register; FAR, Finnish Arthroplasty Register; FORCE-TJR, Function and Outcomes Research for Comparative Effectiveness in Total Joint Replacement; GAR, Geneva Arthroplasty Registry; HJR, Harris Joint Registry; HJRR, HealthEast Joint Replacement Registry; HSS, Hospital for Special Surgery Hip and Knee Joint Replacement Registry; INOR, Irish National Orthopaedic Register; KP-TJRR, Kaiser Permanente National Total Joint Replacement Registry; LAR, Lithuanian Arthroplasty Register; LROI, Dutch Arthroplasty Register; MARCQI, Michigan Arthroplasty Registry Collaborative Quality Initiative; NAR, Norwegian Arthroplasty Register; NJR, National Joint Registry for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man; NZJR, New Zealand Joint Registry; RACat, Catalan Arthroplasty Register; RIAP, Italian Arthroplasty Registry Project; RIPO, Registro dell’implantologia Protesica Ortopedica (Register of the Orthopaedic Prosthetic Implants); SHAR, Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register; SIRIS, Swiss Implant Register; SKAR, Swedish Knee Arthroplasty Register.


Obtained by linkage to other health data registries.