Figure 1.
In vivo phenotypic analysis: chemical coverage and workflow. (A) Experimental protocols in general follow EPA Health Effects Test Guidelines OPPTS a870.3700, b870.3100, 870.4100, 870.4200, 870.4300, c870.3800, and d870.3550. Test strains include eAlderly Park, CD, Fischer 344, Long-Evans, Sprague-Dawley, and Wistar for rats; fB6C3F1, CD, and Swiss for mice; and gChinchilla, Dutch, Himalayan, and New Zealand White for rabbits. The prenatal developmental study type (OPPTS 870.3700 or equivalent) consisted mostly of rabbit (527) and rat studies (731), whereas both one-generational and multigenerational reproductive study types (OPPTS 870.3800, 870.3550, or equivalent) consisted primarily of rat studies (104 and 455, respectively). The ToxRefDB subchronic and chronic study types (OPPT 870.3100, 870.4100, 870.4200, 870.4300, or equivalent) consisted mostly of mouse (568) and rat studies (984). (B) Workflow for data-mining ToxRefDB.