Mean (±SEM) peak response amplitude across all ISIs (0, 8, 40, 80, 120, and 4,000 ms) for (A) the visual prepulse condition and (C) the auditory prepulse condition across preweaning, adolescent, and adult animals. A significant age × modality × ISI interaction suggested the relative age effect was differentially expressed in the response amplitude curves as a function of modality, with a highly focused effect of ISI with the visual prepulse stimulus. Mean (±SEM) response latency across all ISIs (0, 8, 40, 80, 120, and 4,000 ms) for (B) the visual prepulse condition and (D) the auditory prepulse condition across preweanling, adolescent, and adult animals. A significant age × modality × ISI interaction again suggested a greater effect of age on the modulation of response latency by ISI for the broadband white noise prepulse latency curves than for the visual prepulse latency curves.