Figure 2.
Incidence of thin-section computed tomography findings among lobes and zones.
Notes: Incidence of LAA (A), CCVW (B), GGAR (C), DICN (D) among lobes and zones. CCVW and GGAR were observed primarily in the lower lobes and in the peripheral zone, whereas LAA showed an upper lobe predominance and DICN was present diffusely in most cases. (A) Upper; (B) middle; (C) lower; (D) peripheral; (E) central; and (F) diffuse. *P<0.001.
Abbreviations: LAA, low attenuation area; CCVW, clustered cysts with visible walls; GGAR, ground-glass attenuation with/without reticulation; DICN, diffuse ill-defined centrilobular nodules.