Figure 3.
Confirmation of successful Arabidopsis transformation. A pViridis-based construct encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) was introduced by the method of floral dipping. The tissue of two independent transformants (labeled T), i.e., seedlings resistant to hygromycin, were analyzed by PCR for the presence of the gene encoding GFP. An endogenous gene encoding elongation factor 1a (labeled EF1a) and two seedlings of wild-type Arabidopsis (labeled WT) were also analyzed by PCR as controls. The sizes of the amplicons corresponding to genes of GFP and EF1a are 435 and 649 bp, respectively. The lane labeled M contains the 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (Life Technologies), whereas the lane labeled C corresponds to a control reaction to which DNA was not added. PCR, polymerase chain reaction; WT, wild-type.