Figure 3. Effect of arsenic species on mitochondrial ATP levels.
Compiled quantification of ATP levels in VSMCs treated with the indicated concentrations of MMA(III) and iAs(III) for 6 hours. Mitochondrial ATP levels were determined by subtracting the levels of ATP not affected by electron chain complex inhibitors rotenone and antimycin-A (cytosolic ATP) from total ATP levels. Total, mitochondrial or cytosolic ATP levels shown in the compiled quantification was normalized to its respective untreated control within each group (total, mitochondrial or cytosolic).Treatment with 0.5μM MMA(III) resulted in a significant decrease in mitochondrial ATP levels relative to untreated cells, while treatment with 1μM MMA(III) resulted in a significant decrease in cytosolic ATP relative to untreated cells. (*:p<0.05 vs. untreated cells, Means, ±SE, n=18 wells/condition) One-way ANOVA, Tukey’s HDS. Data was compiled from three independent experiments.
Please note that in media conditions that do not have glucose but is supplemented with pyruvate and galactose, we observe that cells produce 60–70% of ATP from mitochondria whereas cells grown in high glucose media, which stimulate glycolysis, predominantly produce non-mitochondrial (cytosolic) ATP (~80–90% of total ATP).