Underweight |
Categorical Variable: Whether family whose children were underweight; Yes = 1 and No = 0 |
Sex of the child |
Dummy variable = 1 if sex of the child was male, otherwise = 0 for sex of the child female |
Social Status of the Family |
Dummy variable = 1 if the family was ST, otherwise = 0 if family was Non-ST |
Participation in any community based organization (CBO) |
Dummy variable = 1 if any member of the family was participating in any CBO, otherwise = 0 if nobody from the family was participating in any CBO |
Mother literacy |
Dummy variable = 1 if the mother of the child possess educational qualification above Matriculation, otherwise = 0 if the mother was not educated or her education was less than matriculation. |
Asset based quintile
Lower 20 % ~ Quintile 1 |
Dummy variable = 1 if the family’s’ asset base was Lowest 20 %. |
Lower 20 % ~ Quintile 2 |
Dummy variable = 1 if the family’s’ asset base was Lower 20 %. |
Middle 20 % ~ Quintile 3 |
Dummy variable = 1 if the family’s’ asset base was Middle 20 % |
Higher 20 % ~ Quintile 4 |
Dummy variable = 1 if the family’s’ asset base was Higher 20 %. |
Highest 20 % ~ Quintile 5 |
Dummy variable = 1 if the family’s’ asset base was Highest 20 % (Quintile 5 is a reference category)