VSX2+ RPCs and PAX6high RPE Progenitors Form Patterned Epithelial Monolayer Sheets upon Spontaneous Attachment and Spreading of the Cysts
(A–D) In a procedure shown in the scheme, the cysts spontaneously attached to a culture surface and spread, forming monolayer colonies. Adherent cultures on days (D) 12–16 were used for immunocytochemistry. In a well of 24-well plates, 4–7 patches of VSX2+ RPCs were found (n = 5/5, independent wells). VSX2+ RPCs assembled as a disk on D12 (B, bright field in A) and as a ring on D13 (arrowhead in D, bright field in C). Double-headed arrow (D) indicates the spreading of VSX2+ RPCs.
(E–J) Immunostaining of boxed areas in (D). VSX2+ RPCs co-expressed SIX3 and PAX6 (E–G). PAX6high progenitors were peripheral to VSX2+ RPCs, forming a pattern in the center-periphery axis (arrowheads and diamond arrowhead in F and G). Both VSX2+ RPCs and PAX6high progenitors expressed TJP1 (F–J).
(K–P) In mouse retinal development, polarized expression of PRKCZ, TJP1, and LAMB1 peaked in E10.5 RPCs (arrows and arrowheads in K–P).
c, center; p, periphery. Scale bars, 100 μm (A–J) and 20 μm (K–P). See also Figures S1 and S2.