Figure 5.
Repeatability of two TLC scans and total lung vasodilation (%) and lobar vasodilation (%).
Notes: (A) Vasodilation for the total lung: repeatability of the two TLC scans is 1.5%, there is a total increase of 7% in the blood vessel volume using paired t-test (P=0.016). (B) Lobar vasodilation: repeatability of the two TLC scans is 1.5%, there is a total increase of 6.8% of the blood vessel volume using paired t-test (P<0.001). Gray lines: improvement in lobar blood volume; red lines: lobar blood volume remains stable or decreases.
Abbreviations: lobar iVbv, image-based blood vessel volume of the lobes; TLC, total lung capacity; total iVbv, image-based blood vessel volume of the total lung.