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. 2016 Jul 11;16:172. doi: 10.1186/s12909-016-0691-4

Table 1.

Case based approach to ELPAS online modules

Module Case Technology used Learning outcome
Team work Case presented by video: A CPR-team resuscitates a patient, teamwork is not optimal. Online video. Students apply Big-5 model of teamwork to find solutions.
Etherpad to work on the problem analysis collaboratively.
Error management A real case from a critical incident reporting system (CIRS) is reported. Data repository. Students use systematic error analysis to identify potential problems.
Discussion board.
Situational awareness Case presented by video: A young patient dies during induction of a routine anaesthesia due to can’t ventilate, can’t intubate situation. Interactive video with integrated quiz. Students apply situational awareness model to identify causes which led to the accident.
Discussion board.