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. 2016 Jul 12;17:276. doi: 10.1186/s12891-016-1154-0

Table 2.

Characteristics of women with PGP or PGP plus LBP and women with no PGP at follow-up

Variable PGP or PGP + LBP (n = 37) No PGP (n = 290) p-value
Age, years 37.7 (4.9) 39.4 (5.7) 0.059
38.0 (29.0; 49.0) 40.0 (24.0; 54.0)
n = 37 n = 290
Time from randomisation to follow-up (years) 7.35 (4.02) 8.41 (3.80) 0.27
5.00 (2.00; 12.00) 11.00 (1.00; 13.00)
Working hours/week 35.7 (7.6) 37.1 (6.5) 0.032
38.0 (19.0; 60.0) 40.0 (1.0; 49.0)
n = 29 n = 221
Marital status
 Single 3 (8.6 %) 24 (9.5 %)
 Married/cohabitating 32 (91.4 %) 229 (90.5 %) 1.00
Number of pregnancies
 1 4 (12.1 %) 18 (7.2 %)
 2 8 (24.2 %) 89 (35.6 %)
 3 15 (45.5 %) 69 (27.6 %)
 4 6 (18.2 %) 73 (29.2 %)
 5 0 (0.0 %) 1 (0.4 %) 0.56
 1 5 (14.7 %) 30 (12.0 %)
 2 20 (58.8 %) 139 (55.4 %)
 3 8 (23.5 %) 75 (29.9 %)
 4 1 (2.9 %) 6 (2.4 %)
 5 0 (0.0 %) 1 (0.4 %) 0.52
Caesarean section 4 (14.3 %) 48 (19.0 %) 0.76
Birthweight last born baby, grams 3633 (492) 3692 (490) 0.43
3548 (2995; 4615) 3700 (2129; 5000)
n = 30 n = 274
Sex of last born baby, boy 15 (50 %) 140 (51 %) 0.925
n = 30 n = 275

For comparison between groups Fisher’s Exact test was used for dichotomous variables and the Mantel-Haenszel Chi Square Exact test was usedfor ordered categorical variables and the Mantel-Haenszel Chi Square test was used for ordered categorical variables and Chi Square Exact test was used for non-ordered categorical variables and Chi Square test was used for non-ordered categorical variables and the Mann-Whitney

U-test was used for continuous variables

PGP pelvic girdle pain, LBP Low back pain, For categorical variables n (%) is presented. For continuous variables Mean (SD) / Median (Min; Max) / n = is presented