Figure 2. FACS analysis of stem cell and tumor markers in sorted RCC-41-PDX-1/CD132+, RCC-41-PDX-2/CD133+ and RCC-41-PDX-2/CD133− cells.
(A) Expression level of CD132, CD133, OCT3/4, NANOG, and EpCAM in RCC-41-PDX-1/CD132+ sorted cells. Results are representative of those obtained in three experiments. (B) Expression level of CD133, OCT-3/4, NANOG, and EpCAM in RCC-41-PDX-2/CD133+ and RCC-41-PDX-2/CD133− sorted cells. Results are representative of those obtained in three experiments. For (A) and (B), grey histograms correspond to cells incubated with the isotype-matched control antibody, and black outline histograms correspond to the analyzed markers. Grey numbers within panels correspond to Mean Fluorescence Intensity (MFI) of cells incubated with the isotype-matched control antibody, while black numbers correspond to MFI of the analyzed markers.