Figure 6. DNA-PKcs upregulation and miRNA-101 downregulation in human HCC cells and tissues.
DNA-PKcs (Protein and mRNA) and miRNA-101 (“miR-101”) expressions in surgery-isolated fresh human HCC tumor tissues (“Tumor tissues”) and surrounding normal liver tissues (“Liver tissues”) were shown A, C. and D. Protein expression of DNA-PKcs (vs. Tubulin) was quantified B. Stable HepG2 cells transfected with miR-101 construct, nonsense miRNA-control construct (“miR-C”), or the empty vector (pSuper-puro, “Vector”), were subjected to real-time PCR assay E-F. or Western blotting assay G. to test DNA-PKcs and miRNA-101 expressions. Proliferation H. and I. and apoptosis J. in above cells were also tested. Experiments in this figure were repeated three times, with similar results obtained. n=5 for each repeat. Bars stand for mean ± SD *p < 0.05.